Home Ascovilo

When you think Lombardy what comes to mind? Milan?

Fashion, big factories, design, haute cuisine. Yes, right, but it’s not all. Lombardy is also wine, unique natural landscapes and ancient cities that have nothing to envy to the world famous Italian destinations. Ascovilo brings together Lombardy’s consortia for the protection and promotion of DOC, DOCG and IGT wines: from the mineral and long-lived whites of Lugana, to the classic method sparkling wines of Oltrepo, from the rosé wines of Lake Garda to the alpine reds of Valtellina, Lombardy will amaze you with its thousands of flavors and just as many sceneries. A region that encompasses Unesco World Heritage ancient vineyards, rare vines protected by the smallest appellation of origin in Italy, mountain climate, but also Mediterranean warm temperatures on the shores of its lakes, and loads of art, sports, typical products. Curious to discover this treasure? Ascovilo will be your compass. Let’s go!

Discover the territories


Ascovilo is the Lombard DOCG, DOC and IGT Wine Consortia Association. It was founded on 28 July 1977 as a non-profit association.


Ascovilo’s geographical area is beautiful and diverse: from the Alps of Valtellina, to the warm shores of Lake Garda or Iseo…


Grana Padano cheese and Ascovilo are involved in a three-year joint promotional project in Italy and Germany called ‘Eccellenze europee del gusto’.




Chi Siamo


Possono essere soci di Ascovilo i Consorzi volontari di Tutela dei vini della Lombardia legalmente costituiti e riconosciuti ai sensi della L.164 del 1992 e successive modifiche , nonché  i Consorzi volontari tutela vini che abbiano già inoltrato istanza di riconoscimento al Ministero.
La Regione Lombardia, le Camere di Commercio, nonché le altre persone giuridiche pubbliche e private che abbiano finalità o comunque interessi rivolti al conseguimento dei fini statutari dell'Associazione e ne concorrano al conseguimento, possono assumere - previa ammissione - la qualità di associati .

Lake Garda, Lombardia, Italy | September 29 - October 1, 2022

Wine Media Conference

In 2022, its 14th season, the Wine Media Conference will take place September 29 – October 1 at Lake Garda in Lombardia in northern Italy.



Grana Padano cheese and Ascovilo are involved in a three-year promotional project in Italy and Germany called ‘Eccellenze europee del gusto. Nati per stare insieme’ (‘European gastronomic delicacies. Born to be together’) (May 2021 to April 2024), co-financed by the European Union (Regulation (EU) 1144/2014 and managed jointly by the Grana Padano Consortium and Ascovilo. The best Lombardy wines and the world famous Lombardy cheese appellation join forces to promote the finest flavors and gastronomic traditions.


Regione Lombardia per l’agricoltura